The Leela has expanded its luxury footprint in India with the opening of The Leela Hyderabad, marking the brand’s entry into the city. Located in the prestigious Banjara Hills, the hotel blends the rich cultural heritage of the Deccan Plateau with modern luxury, offering guests an extraordinary stay experience.
The hotel spans 2.5 acres and boasts 156 rooms and suites, each designed with intricate craftsmanship, bespoke design elements, and curated art that reflect Hyderabad’s storied past. Notably, the interiors include Warangal temple-inspired pillars and MF Hussain artworks, among other regional influences. The property also offers a wide range of amenities including a wellness center, luxurious spa, fitness facilities, and a serene pool area.
With over 930 square meters of event space, including a stunning terrace courtyard, the hotel is poised to host both corporate and social gatherings. The Leela Hyderabad promises a sophisticated sanctuary for business and leisure travelers alike, offering an immersive blend of modern amenities and cultural charm